An Artful Marriage
Bruce Joel Rubin & Anne Malin Rubin
May 4 - July 14, 2019
On May 4th, 2019, The Laundry proudly presents, An Artful Marriage, the first exhibition featuring abstract photographs by Oscar winning screenwriter Bruce Joel Rubin and ceramics and paintings by Blanche Mallins Rubin. The exhibition opens on May 4th and continues through June 29th, with an opening reception for the artists on Saturday, May 4th, from 5:30-9:30 PM.
An Artful Marriage presents for the first time over 100 recent abstract photographs by Bruce Joel Rubin alongside a retrospective of over 60 ceramic works and paintings by Blanche Mallins Rubin. An Artful Marriage brings together artworks of this formidable husband and wife team of 50 years. The interplay between mediums elicits a journey spanning half a century, a celebration of the everyday hiding in the mundane world around us. The artists’ life-long meditation practice offers a distinct and expansive lens into the elastic ebb and flow of the creative life. A full spectrum of experience is echoed, stemming from their lives together, from the tactile touch of clay to images of cosmic abstraction. This union has both forged and supported a loving adventure, a journey into the endless unfolding of the human spirit and the ongoing mystery of our lives. An Artful Marriage is a testament to the dedication of that journey.
Bruce Joel Rubin (b. 1943, Detroit) is an Oscar winning screenwriter for his film GHOST. His body of work includes JACOB’S LADDER, MY LIFE, DEEP IMPACT, THE LAST MIMZY, and THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE among others. While his primary focus has always been on narrative storytelling, in recent years he has shifted his focus to the image itself. Photographs, he believes, even in abstraction, have stories to tell. He began taking photos when on long walks and was thrilled to discover hidden worlds in mundane objects, the macrocosmic universe reflected in even the smallest spaces, rust on cars, the insides of trash cans. Rubin often references Blake, saying that he began to see the Universe in a grain of sand. “These photographs are an imprint of my psyche,” Rubin says. “They are a visual depiction of a meditative journey. They reflect my inner life, my dream life. If you want to know who I am, who I believe we all are, look quietly at these images and let them speak to you.“
Blanche Mallins Rubin (b. 1943, New York) is an artist and an art educator. She discovered the joy of manipulating natural materials, clay, and paints. Her oil paintings and watercolors are bold and colorful, the work of an assured and dynamic artist. She gravitated to pottery in her mid-thirties and has focused on creating useful, beautiful clay forms ever since. Blanche has taught art, art education, and museum education in a multitude of settings including the J. Paul Getty Institute for Education in the Arts. Blanche became a leader of the team, instrumental in refining and guiding a nationwide art program still in use today. Blanche has earned a degree in Art at Antioch College in Ohio, a Master’s degree in Art Education at New York University, and a Doctorate in Art Education at Indiana University.